



春分迎来的鸟语花香,万物生长,同时也迎来了2017年度sony世界摄影奖摄影大赛(The Sony World Photography Awards)的入围者名单,该赛事是世界上最大的摄影比赛之一,设置专业组、公开组和青年组,本届赛事共收到来自全球22万余幅作品,最终,49个不同国家的摄影师出现在入围名单中,中国摄影师赫赫在榜,有16位中国摄影师入围,这些来自世界各地的参赛作品令人惊艳。



· Professional Competition ·

01/Adi Bulboacă, RomaniaImage_sony03 Image_sony09 Image_sony08 Image_sony07 Image_sony06 Image_sony05 Image_sony04Image_sony10

02/Dongni, China

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03/Tom Jacobi, Germany

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04/Ami Vitale, USA

A caretaker cleans the enclosure of a Giant panda that is being trained for release into the wild at the Wolong Nature Reserve managed by the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. Caretakers must dress as pandas because the pandas should never see a human being before it is released into the wild.

A Baby giant panda cub is weighed at the Bifengxia Giant panda base in Sichuan province, China October 24, 2015. (Photo by Ami Vitale)

Seven-year-old giant panda Min Min had a baby girl at Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province, China . It was 3 long days and nights of waiting for her to give birth and the vets thought it was likely to be a still birth. A very healthy giant panda cub emerged with a loud scream. She is the largest cub born this year to first-time mother Min Min. Giant pandas are born tiny, blind and helpless. The limbs of newborn pandas are so weak that they are not able to stand and for the first two months baby pandas only nurse, sleep, and poo. They are weaned between 8-9 months and a year old.

Ye Ye, a 16-year-old giant panda, lounges in a massive wild enclosure at a conservation center in Wolong Nature Reserve. Her 2 year old cub, Hua Yan (Pretty Girl) was released into the wild after two years of "panda training." Her name, whose characters represent Japan and China, celebrates the friendship between the two nations.

Ji Ni a female Giant Panda unsuccessfully tries to breed with Wu Gang at the Bifengxia Giant Panda base in Ya'an City, China. The center is a part of the China Conservation & Research Center for the Giant Panda, (CCRCGP) Wolong Nature Center, under the Department of Forestry.(Photo by Ami Vitale)

Tourists gaze at this years bumper crop of adorable baby giant panda cubs at the Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province August 29, 2015. Nearly 50 percent of giant pandas births are to twins, but the mothers can care for only one cub at a time so keepers in China have developed a careful process for swapping each baby so they are fed both by their mother and by hand. Baby pandas wean from their mothers between 8-9 months and a year old and generally stay with their mothers for 2 years. (Photo by Ami Vitale)


Eighteen Giant baby panda cubs are brought for a portrait with Director Zhang Hemin, also known as "Papa Panda" at the Bifengxia Giant panda base in Sichuan province, China October 24, 2015. (Photo by Ami Vitale)

Is a panda cub fooled by a panda suit? That’s the hope at Wolong’s Hetaoping center, where captive-bred bears training for life in the wild are kept relatively sheltered from human contact, even during a rare hands-on checkup.

05/Shinya Masuda, Japan

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· Open Competition ·

01/Placido Faranda, Italy141837_160119

02/Fanjing Lu, China272761_286131

03/Zhu Jianxing, China186491_202807

04/Taniya Sarkar, India83699_102355

05/F. Dilek Uyar, Turkey192171_208191

06/Ralph Gräf, Germany205313_220884_2

07/Alex Marquez, USA273567_287053

08/Andrés Gallardo Albajar, Spain228315_242832

09/Wilson Lee, Hong Kong217609_232497

10.Alex Andriesi, Romania1835_1817_0

11/Silvia Toniolo Venier, Italy142213_160437

12/Péter Csákvári, Hungary52329_66655

13/Maria Maniou, Greece


14/Emrah Karakoç, Turkey103963_12286915/Jianguo Gong, China


· Youth Competition ·

01/Mary Bakeer, RussiaImage_sony_young0102/Lukas Kodis, LithuaniaImage_sony_young0203/Vera Zhigalo, BelarusImage_sony_young0304/Taran Wilkewitz, USAImage_sony_young0405/Zijie Gong, ChinaImage_sony_young0506/Jomar Canales Conde, Puerto RicoImage_sony_young0607/Helen Kiparissa , Greece

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08/Katelyn Wang, USAImage_sony_young02

09/Frederik Marks, GermanyImage_sony_young0410/Yujia Dou, ChinaImage_sony_young03

· Student Focus ·

01/Michelle Gentile, Motivarte, ArgentinaImage_sony_Student0102/Nursyafiqah Azlan, Multimedia University, MalaysiaImage_sony_Student0203/Sarah Schrimpf, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, GermanyImage_sony_Student0304/Shravya Kag, School of Visual Arts, United StatesImage_sony_Student0405/Tatsuki Katayama, Kyoto University of Art and Design, JapanImage_sony_Student05

看到这些摄影作品,我叹为观止,觉得这个世界真的很奇妙。在我看来,摄影离我们生活如此之近,但它有时又像是一个来自远方的客人,摄影大师们也曾提出过他们的想法,例如安塞尔·亚当斯认为“我们不只是用相机拍照。 我们带到摄影中去的是所有我们读过的书,看过的电影,听过的音乐,爱过的人”,然而半个世纪之后摄影已成为一场全民活动,每个人都足有能力展示自己的摄影态度。



PS.想看更多作品登录World Photography Organisation欣赏




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