Plethora Magazine:散发神秘学文化的力量


丹麦的独立杂志《Plethora Magazine》,以52页零广告零标识、海报大小的巨大开本面世,这本立足哥本哈根散发出的神秘文化力量,从第一期至今。内容包涵法国建筑师布雷为致敬物理学家艾萨克·牛顿所设计的虚构纪念碑;深入研究神秘的非洲外太空项目等等;探讨了深奥的自然和人类对月球持久的吸引力和独特的情感等。


《Plethora Magazine》研究的选题甩出市面上的快时尚杂志一大截距离,有关人类文化和想象的最深层次,从或古怪或邪恶或冷门的视觉系统,精选于古老档案、材料中的故事,就如同《所罗门之钥》那样的西方神秘学著作。甚至到各领域当代艺术家标志性的作品,都足以配得上半年刊的内容精度与丰富度。

 ISSUE No. 1


● Issue #1 exhibits a flamboyant variety of features on everything from acoustic warfare, Patagonian initiation rites, devilish compositions to exclusive image series from various contemporary artists – all in a signature style, timeless curation. 

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 ISSUE No. 2


● Issue #2 continues Plethora Magazine’s exploration into the deepest layers of human culture and imagination. Curated around the concept of Sphereology, the issue examines the archetype of the sphere as a symbol of perfection, cosmic fulfilment and a fundamental construct of dreams.

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 ISSUE No. 3


● Issue #3 continues the slow journey downwards through the substrates of human culture and the natural realm – as always in search of primordial forms and a still deeper code…

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 ISSUE No. 4

1476252515308●  Issue #4 follows the rippled contours of the waveform down its many variations and explores their impact on our ever tremulous and vibrating sensory world…

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 ISSUE No. 5


● Plethora Magazine issue #5 – Aurum Luna – explores the esoteric nature of mankind’s  lasting lunar allure and the distinctive sensibility associated with lunacy in all its shapes and forms…

Unknown-52Unknown-49Plethora_Magazine_Issue_5_side_2Plethora_Magazine_Issue_5_side_3Unknown-55Unknown-56Plethora_Magazine_Issue_5_side_7Unknown-58Unknown-50Unknown-51虽然它的出版无限慢于普通杂志,但足够地认真,使得他们会在所有的咖啡桌上测试杂志大小。《Plethora Magazine》由印度寺庙的僧侣熟练地印刷,特向传统手工印刷的独特本色致敬。与其说它是一本从概念到实体上对杂志传统形式发起的挑战,不如说它更是一场印刷精良的纸上艺术展览。

同样他们也有出版books、prints和Objects印刷工艺也甚是精良。是一本不得不收藏的神秘学杂志,同样也可以在官网购买收藏。Plethora Magazine

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